FUELitForward – Day of Caring at One Heart Equestrian Therapy

Christian Hempen

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FUELitForward – Day of Caring at One Heart Equestrian Therapy

FUELitForward - Day of Caring at One Heart Equestrian Therapy

Date: Friday September 13, 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Location: One Heart Equestrian Therapy
2710 W 190th St | Ames, Iowa 50010

Event Details:


Clean, organize and pack equipment to be used by the One Heart team in the State Special Olympics competition.

Clean and organize “toys” used by therapists and instructors.

Clean and organize tack; horse equipment, saddles, carts, harness

Help with small construction projects: mounting hooks, removing hooks, etc – light hardware

Sweeping, mopping of floors and walls.

Light weeding in small garden areas

Spot – painting or wood coating in a variety of locations such as window sills, trim.

Window cleaning

Cobweb removal

Possible assembly of wall decorations

Many other assorted maintenance, cleaning, and organizing projects in a large riding facility.


Sign up at: https://signup.com/go/LaKroHb

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